嵌套router <nuxt-child> (使用 nuxt)

Posted by rikkubook on 2021-05-06

之前有學習過運用 router製作千套式的頁面,但是都沒實際運用過~
剛好這次在使用 nuxt 製作頁面時有運用到

1. 資源

nuxt-child 组件

2. 解說

<nuxt-link> 取代<router-link>
只有在layout中的 <Nuxt />取代<router-view>

3. 範例

  • /investment
    • /directors
      • index
      • resolution
      • elect
        • directors.vue
  <ul id="tabList" class="flex">
    <li class="flex-shrink-0">
      <nuxt-link to="/investment/directors">
        <h3>A </h3>
      </nuxt-link >
    <li class="flex-shrink-0">
      <nuxt-link to="/investment/directors/resolution">
      </nuxt-link >
    <li class="flex-shrink-0">
      <nuxt-link to="/investment/directors/elect">
    <nuxt-child />

#Nuxt #Vue

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